domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

Chorros misteriosos

Los Mystery Jets son una banda peculiar. Bueno, peculiar no. Pero extraña. Interesante. Son de Eel Pie Island, en el Thames. Está compuesta por: William Rees, Kai Fish, Kapil Trivedi, Henry Harrison, y su líder, Blaine Harrison. ¿Hermanos? No, no, hermanos no. ¡Son padre e hijo! Vale, si lo piensas, no es para tanto. Originariamente eran Blaine a la batería y William a la guitarra, pero se les unió Henry, el padre, al bajo, porque no tenían. Pero éste prefiere evitar el estrés de las giras, y se reserva sólo para el estudio (ya está un poco viejete).

Aparte de ésto, hay otra anomalía. El pobre de Blaine, desgraciadamente, padece una enfermedad, spina bifida, y necesita muletas para desplazarse, porque no puede caminar muy bien, así que normalmente toca sentado (y los otros, para no hacerle el feo, pues también).

A pesar de ello, llevan desde el 2004 en la cresta de la ola del indie británico. Tienen, aparte de EPs y discos autofinanciados, tres álbumes de estudio: Making Dens, Zootime, Twenty One, y el 5 de julio estrenan Serotonin, que aunque es una monoamina neurotransmisora sintetizada en las neuronas serotogénicas en el sistema nervioso central y las células enterocromafines en el tracto gastrointestinal de los animales y del ser humano, también es el título del próximo trabajo de la banda, del que puedes escuchar Dreaming of Another World en su Myspace y descargarte Flash a Hungry Smile desde su página web. Pero ¡ten cuidado! No son tan majos como parece. ¡En una entrevista en la BBC afirman y relatan sus planes para hacerse con el control del mundo!

En 2008 trabajaron con Laura Marling, esa jovencita (nació en el 1990) que también colaboró con Noah and The Whale y 5 Years Time, canción que merece CLARAMENTE la pena, en serio, el vídeo es la leche, aunque las demás de Noah and The Whale no tienen mucho interés. Bueno, el resultado fue éste: canción suprema, vídeo extraordinario.

Molan, ¿eh? Pues tocan en Ibiza el 12 de agosto, en el T in the Park el 10 de julio, en el Oxegen el 11, en el Y-Not el 1 de agosto, y en los festivales de Leeds y Reading el 27 y 28, respectivamente, para más tarde, en septiembre, embarcarse en una minigira por los States.

sábado, 26 de junio de 2010


Ayer ví una peli. [500] days of summer. La protagonista, Summer, es Zooey Deschanel, la hermana de Emily Deschanel, la que hace de la doctora Brennan en Bones. Aparte de eso, Zooey constituye el 50% de She & Him, una banda que lidera junto con M. Ward. Tienen dos discos, Volume One y Volume Two (sí, son muy originales, lo sé). Están bien, y si no te lo crees, no tienes más que ver estos vídeos, pero te aviso: mola más el vídeo de la derecha pero la canción de la izquierda, así que mira los dos.

La música de la peli es buena, incluye canciones como There's a light that never goes out, de The Smiths, también Bad Kids, de los Black Lips; Have I been a fool, de Jack Peñate; Sweet Disposition, de Temper Trap; la ya demasiado mítica Mushaboom, de Feist; la pesada de Carla Bruni con Quelqu'un m'a dit; y sobre todo (a mí es la que más me gusta), Mumm-ra y She's got you high.
Lo interesante de la peli son los saltos en el tiempo. Comienza casi al final de la historia, para luego volver al principio, y luego al final, y luego al principio otra vez... Y la parte que más me gusta es la de cuando están en el parque y empiezan a gritar: ¡pene!, y ella hace un gesto que me recuerda muchísimo a lo que tú llamabas algo así como maniobra de contacto. Míralo en este vídeo, que tiene las escenas más graciosas: la de los Smiths, la de ¡pene!, y la del IKEA.

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

We Are Scientists

Bueno, bueno, bueno, vamos a ver. Te animo a que leas esto. Es una especie de artículo publicado en la página de We Are Scientists, una banda sinceramente estupenda, de California, compuesta por Keith Murray (no confundir con un rapero) que antes tocaba la batería pero luego se pasó a la voz y la guitarra, Chris Cain (bajo) y Michael Tapper (baterista, que luego se piró, vino Adam Aaronson y luego Andy Burrows). Tienen cuatro discos: Safety, Fun, and Learning (In That Order), With Love and Squalor, Brain Thrust Mastery, y Barbara, que lo acaban de lanzar.

Su página incluye secciones varias, como información sobre la banda, noticias, música, vídeo, fotos… Pero hay una parte especialmente especial, ADVICE. Está genial. En ella, la gente pregunta cosas sobre temas varios. Hay una que llamó mi atención. Si no te apetece leerla entera, no pancha ná, yo te hago un resumen. Trata sobre una chica que pregunta cómo pedirle a un tío que vaya con ella al típico baile de fin de curso. Los de la banda le dan cuatro opciones, cada cual más... ¿ridícula? Lee sólo lo que está en mayúsculas, te ahorras mucho tiempo, lo sé.

name: Brandi
query: Ok i’m A girl and i need to find a prom date but I think it would be very akward to ask a guy what should I do?
There are a couple of reliable ways to get a guy to ask you to prom.
1) Go up to a guy and go, “Hey, will you read this out loud? Don’t fucking think about it just read it right now!!” And you show him a piece of paper that has “Want to go to prom” written on it. And so when he reads that you go, “You’re asking me? Oh my god, you’re asking me to prom? Yes, sure, yes! I’ll go! I will! I’d love to go with you!”
2) Come up behind a guy and grab his hair and hold a big hunting knife against his neck (hold it hard! It’s better to cut him a little than to hold it limply and not sell the stunt) and whisper into his ear, all threatening, “REPEAT AFTER ME. DO YOU.” And then wait for him to say “do you.” Then go, “WANT TO.” Let him say “want to.” Go, “GO TO PROM.” He’s all, “go to prom.” Then, “WITH ME.” He says, “with me.” “BRANDI.” Let him go, “Brandi.” Then get a kind of surprised, kind of embarrassed, but definitely pleased tone in your voice and be all, “Um… yeah. Yeah, sure, I’d love to.” Then knock him out with the butt of the knife, blindfold him, tie him up, put him in your car, and squirrel him away in your basement till prom rolls around, then get him out and take him to prom. This last step prevents him from welching on his offer.
3) Get a guy’s number and call him up — make it night, like around 4 in the morning. When he gets on the phone be like, “We have your sister.” Disguise your voice with one of those voice disguisers (you can get them at any supermarket). Have the thing make your voice super-deep. Be all, “Unless you do exactly as we say, we will begin cutting off parts and stop when there’s nothing big enough to cut off without the risk of cutting our finger by trying to hold the part that we’re trying to cut the other part off of.” Then put his sister on the phone and electrocute her or stomp her or something to make her cry out in pain. At this point the guy will probably yell something like “OKAY OKAY!! I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!! OH GOD!! OH JESUS JUST PLEASE DON’T HURT HER!!” When you hear those words, that means you’re going to prom. Take a second to congratulate yourself in your head. Job’s not done yet, though. Now go, “Tomorrow you will go to school. You will find Brandi. You will ask her a question. The question will be, do you want to go to prom. If she says yes, you will take her to prom next month. You will rent a limo, and you will get [name of cool friend of guy] and his date to share the limo with you and Brandi. You will make alcohol available to everyone. After prom is over, you will take Brandi to a good hotel and let her fuck you. You will stay over at the hotel with Brandi and let her fuck you again in the morning.” He may need you to go over the details a few times — remember, it’s late at night, you’ve just woken him up, and he’s scared. Tell him his sister will be returned at lunch time on the day after prom. Et, voila! You have a wonderful prom in store! Get rid of the sister as soon as you’ve made the call because she now represents a major liability rather than an important bargaining chip.
4) Create an email account the name of which has absolutely nothing to do with your appearance or name or anything else about you that this guy would know about. Then email the guy from your new account, and write “Dear [whoever], I have it on good authority that if you were to ask Brandi to prom, she would say yes. You should totally do it, as all us guys[!] agree that she’s the sexiest girl in school. She doesn’t know anything about this. How, you ask, do I know that she’ll say yes then? For many years, I have observed human behavior, making a careful study of what makes people want certain things but not others. I can now tell with a high degree of accuracy how a person will behave in a given situation, even if they don’t really know themselves. The reality is that Brandi probably doesn’t even know your name, much less actively yearn to go to prom with you. However, by watching her for several weeks, I’ve determined that if you ask her, she would say yes, and even go to bed with you after prom. Therefore, it is my professional opinion that you should ask her. Sincerely, an anonymous friend”
Have a great time at prom! Remember to wipe down your room for any kind of evidence that his sister was ever there, as you’re likely to receive a cursory visit from the cops after the call, and you can never be too careful!

Normalmente, como esta vez, se explayan un montón, incluso incluyen gráficos para responder a preguntas como: How skilled are each of you at paddle ball?, o (ésta es muy buena) Do any of you boys like chicken?

So let’s walk you through what you’re seeing. Chris, the meat-eater, doesn’t like chicken much for breakfast, but is down with chicken for lunch and loves a good chicken dish for dinner. Chicken rarely shows up in Chris’s dreams, but when it does, it’s neither as an object of desire nor a source of fear or disgust.
Keith is a vegetarian, and the idea of eating chicken really grosses him out. Perhaps because chicken is so lacking in his diet, Keith’s body manifests lots of chicken consumption in his dreams. A map of chicken’s allure for Keith over the course of one night’s dreams reads like a meat-eater’s average week. That’s because after devouring a chicken sandwich and a cauldron full of chicken nuggets, dream-Keith’s chicken love is temporarily sated; not until later in his dream-afternoon will he again feel chicken’s awful pull.
Michael’s also a vegetarian, also refrains from eating chicken. Michael dreams almost
exclusively, though, of eating chicken. During the day, he tours the world as We Are Scientists’ drummer — playing concerts, signing autographs, sitting down with reporters, eating pasta and vegetables. At night, he sits in restaurants and eats chicken. Chicken, chicken, chicken. Chicken soufflé, chicken pudding, chicken popsicles, chicken lollipops, chicken milkshakes, chicken granola bars: no form is too strange for chicken to take during Michael’s dreams, and he cannot eat enough of it. If you put your ear against the curtain of Michael’s bunk, you hear, “Chicken please… I’ll have the chicken… more chicken… do they make that in chicken?… let’s go to that chicken place… I smell chicken; do I smell chicken?… let’s do chicken…”

Pero, en otros casos, las respuestas son simples, escuetas, sintetizadas, reducidas, como en el siguiente. No hace falta explicar nada.

name: Sarah
when you write songs, what comes first the lyrics or the music?
The pile of bills

Y eso es todo. Quizá estén un poco locos, se pirran por las mantas de los caballos (no me preguntes por qué). La mejor canción que tienen, en mi opinión, es Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt.
